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Dun Laoghaire, Dublin | 01 285 7711 |

Mark O'Neill - First Anniversary 20th July 2023.


Gorey, Wexford / Shankill, Dublin

First Anniversary away from home

Sunset: 20th July 2022

No words to describe The pain we still feel The heartache and tears Are very much real

356 days since we said goodnight And to put it plainly, it’s just not right Your memory we will always hold dear And wish each day we could hear Your voice once more And let our hearts soar

Your strength is your legacy Your humour is too Your smile and laughter Will always matter​​​​​​​ The stories and pictures Is all that we have But your memory lives on In each new dawn Even though we still do mourn So until we meet at the stairway to heaven Every butterfly, every caterpillar Or the kite in the sky We will look at with fondness And try not to cry

Love and miss you every day Mark; from your loving wife Jacqueline, children Rebecca Jasmine, Aaron and family XXX


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21 jul 2023


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